[⚠️ ️Attention: This article has not been used to condemn, misrepresent or give a wrong interpretation to any civilization, religion or religious concept that has existed or is currently being presented, and all the things mentioned  We would like to emphasize that it has been used only to give a correct analysis to all the movie lovers related to the relevant topic. Therefore, we kindly remind you to read the material included in this series correctly and get the proper understanding of the related matters. 🖤]


 🔆 History Of Real World Mithraism 🌏

 With the middle of the first century of past history, a certain religious group emerged in ancient Persia (present-day Iran). Mithraism or Mithraic Mysteries, or "Mithraic Mysteries", this ancient faith was basically created as the ruler of the order of the sun, justice and balance in ancient Persia.  On the basis of belief in the accepted god Mithra.

 Like every other small group faith in world history, this Mithra religion was very secretive.

 This religious faith (Cult) which was created and spread with Indo-Iranian inspiration started to spread very quickly in the Roman Empire after the conquest of Persia by Alexander the Great. So at this time, it spread very quickly in the Roman Empire and the branches related to Mithraism and its beliefs.  It will spread quickly.  For this reason, history shows that Mithraism existed as a great rival faith to Christianity at that time.

 By the third century, with the widespread spread of Mithraism throughout the Roman Empire, Mithra began to be called the protector of the Roman Empire, and Rome became the primary center of this faith.

 (At that time, nearly 200 underground shrines known as Mithraea, which were used for the Mithraic faith and for the secret meetings of their members, have been found in the current excavations in Syria, Britain and Italy.)

 In this way, Mithraism began to rise in a very strong way through the Roman Empire, and with the dawn of the first half of the 4th century, there was a lot of opposition to this faith from the believers of Christianity, which was emerging at that time. The reason for this is that Mithraism/Mithraism has been rising as a rival faith to Christianity for centuries.  Many historical sources indicate that it may have been affected.

 However, the collapse of Mithraism, which spread strongly based on Rome, begins with the beginning of the fourth century as mentioned earlier.  In the year 312, with the adoption of Christianity by the Roman Emperor Constantine, Mithraism was strictly prohibited in the Roman Empire and decided to suppress it.

 So Mithraism, which had spread based on Rome at that time, was quickly suppressed and started to collapse with the ban of the Roman emperor. However, with the end of the fourth century, Mithraism was eliminated from every region where it had spread, almost from every country.

 So in the real world history we are in, friendship that was practiced competitively and secretly has been hidden from the society and thus the rise of Christianity will happen in this way.


 I want to ask you who are reading this story to remember a little bit, because the next thing we are going to tell you is about Raised By Wolves, which is our today's story.

 Keeping in mind the details that have been said about Mithraism so far, let's go to our main story...👇

       [ Beginning Of A New Era - Beginning Of A New Era ]

 Raised By Wolves is based on the 22nd century of the future world. At this time, the Mithraic religious organization ☀️ succeeded in overcoming other political and religious power centers in the world and expanding their control and power and conquering the world. They worshiped Sol as their god.  Sol) is the god named 🔆.

 In the description of the faith of Mithraism shown earlier in world history, you will remember how the fall of Mithraism at the end of the fourth century and the rise of Christianity became stronger at the same time.

 In real world history, Mithraic collapsed and Christianity rose, but by the time of the Raised By Wolves series, the Mithraic religion had suppressed all the other religious powers on earth, including Christianity.

 Back to the story...

 A long time ago, when the followers of the Mithraic religion read the holy books that documented things about their religion, its customs and rituals, they found the blueprints (blueprints) necessary for the physiological symbols, formulas and mathematical designs that were secretly encoded in those books.  ) are included.

 So while continuing to study more and more about the knowledge encoded in these holy books, the Mithraic believers are able to find that their holy books contain data related to the creation of 'physically advanced complex advanced technologies'.

 So, with time, they are able to use this knowledge to create spaceships that operate on quantum gravity, dark photon energy (Dark Photon Energy) and other important inventions.

 The source of Dark Photon Energy ⚛️ that they find through the knowledge available in the Mithraic religious books is the reason for the fate of the whole earth to change in the story. It is with the Mithraic religious organization using the energy of the Dark Photon that they discovered and creating it with the Necromancers.

 [ 👁️ Necromancers 💀 ]

 Necromancers are humanoid robots, specially designed with a very advanced model of the next generation, they are extremely fierce and destructive.

 Necromancers are considered very dangerous because they have the ability to use their mouths to spread sound waves (Soundwaves) into the surrounding environment. These sound waves coming out of a Necromancer's mouth can cut the body of any living species around into pieces through a series of sharp waves.

 In other words, a living being caught in a Soundwave, especially a human being exposed to those waves, will soon be separated into parts and crumble into liquid and gas.☠️

 Similarly, Necromancers can exhale air or breath from their mouths. These exhaled breaths can melt anything or freeze it to stone.

 Among them is the ability to change the form of a Necromancer (Shape-Shifting). Through this, a Necromancer can appear as any human figure.

 The most important thing is that Necromancers don't need any power to use these abilities. That said, Necromancers usually don't need a decrease in their working power or recharging their power like the Androids we know. Because the power of a Necromancer is  It is the Dark Photon energy. Therefore, they have the ability to use everything mentioned above, including flying a long distance, to attack in any way at any time.

 Also, Necromancers don't have the appearance of a body full of metal and interconnected circuits that usually comes to mind when you think of an Android. Necromancers have an appearance that is similar to a normal human body in all respects and their entire body is covered with metal.

 So you who are reading now understand how terrible and destructive a Necromancer is.

 As mentioned earlier, Necromancers are primarily created for large-scale military destruction.  That is why they are used as perfect killing machines.

 So, after finding out about the Dark Photon energy needed to be created by Necromancers, the Mithraic religious organization takes Necromancers to produce them on a large scale.

 There is something special to be said here, Sir Ridley Scott, a producer of Raised By Wolves, who we all know very well, says that the image of the Necromancers in the story is based on the statue of the giant Atlas in New York.

 Similar to that idea, in Raised By Wolves Necromancers are depicted as a dangerous destructive force with a mixture of religion, technology and magic concepts.

 In this way, the Mithraic believers who use the technology that they were able to decode and find, and create it with Necromancers, start a 'holy war based on Mithraism' against the whole earth with the aim of destroying all the other competing religions that were on the earth at that time and bringing the world under their religious faith. Mithraic  The entire Earth will soon become one battlefield because of this great war started by the religious organization and the Necromancers who ruled according to their orders.

 So the main and strongest party in the great war on earth is the Mithraic faction. At some point, a group of people who fight against them gather together and fight against the Mithraic religious war. They introduce themselves as Athiest.

 [⚠️️And one more thing needs to be said. This concept of Atheist is also one that actually exists in the real world.  A large number of people who follow the concept of Atheist or Atheism and represent it are spread in many countries of the world.

 In the real world, the literal meaning of an Atheist is "a person who does not believe in the existence of any God or group of Gods, does not accept and does not believe in other unseen forces".

 So, many Atheists in the world still agree with the above idea. But with the passage of time, this has changed a little. At present, some people among the Atheists in the world believe in certain higher powers or one god.

 It has been revealed that some Atheists in particular accept the God of the Bible. Therefore, it must be said that the concept of Atheism in the world has changed a little.

 Anyway, the Atheists in Raised By Wolves are depicted as Atheists who do not accept the existence of any higher power or deity.  ]

 So, because of the high technology in the war between these two sides and the presence of Necromancers, as mentioned before, the Mithraic believers get great power and are difficult to defeat, and the Atheists do not have as high technology as them, so they usually have to fight with weapons and androids.  Atheists have to face the war with many big challenges.

 That's why Atheist's work for a long time is to collect child soldiers in their army and use them in operations.

 Also, they make a plan to defeat the Mithraic religious organization by destroying the Necromancers, who are the most severe killing machines of Mithraic, and turn the majority of the advantages of the great war for the power of the earth to their side.

 For that, they are planning a big suicide bombing operation. The bombers of this attack are the children who were said to be in the Atheist army. 💔

 So this bomb attack, which is a very sad attempt at the time of the war, is carried out using children as planned. The earth, which was already a single battlefield, will suffer an even more unfortunate fate after this attack.

This attack, which was planned to cause a large explosion, will not be able to destroy the Necromancers as the Atheist thought.

  [Year 2145...]

  So the Mithraic organization succeeds in defeating the Atheist forces and winning their war in the year 2145 after thwarting all the Atheist efforts.

  Meanwhile, an even darker time will dawn on the whole earth.

  Due to the long war between the Mithraic and Atheist parties, the biological environment of the earth, which was already difficult to live in, was exposed to the large atomic impact of the bombings and was damaged on a large scale and completely collapsed.

  Due to the loss of the amount of oxygen required by the living organisms, most of the animal species will become extinct. Also, due to the lack of oxygen and the toxic gases in the environment, the remaining animal groups, including humans, will inevitably die, and the earth will change completely.  It transforms into a planet that is not suitable for doing.  ☠️☣️🌑


  In this way, while these things are happening on Earth, another character joins the story. There is an engineer named Campian Sturgeon who was formerly a Mithraic and became an Atheist after being disappointed with their religion and activities. He supports the Atheists and works as a robot engineer for them.  When the said time comes.  When coming forward with what happened to the earth at the end of the war, Campion is secretly implementing a special plan for the future of the entire human race to understand in advance the fate of the people on the earth.

  He secretly captures one of the Necromancers who belonged to the Mithraics and tries to reprogram her software. Due to his previous understanding of the Mithraics' software structure, Campion is able to reprogram these dangerous Necromancers with the peaceful behavior he wants.

  He names the Necromancers that have been rearranged in that way as Mother. Also, a male android who belongs to a normal service mode, Campion uses software for this work. He is named as Father.

  So by that time they had ended the time left for the human race on Earth, so Campion entrusts Mother and Father with a special mission. That is to go to the Kepler-22b planet in a small plane with six frozen human embryos that he had protected and free from illusions and violence.  To start and spread a peaceful intelligent new human generation in it.

  After preparing both Mother and Father for this, Campion sends them both through a small plane to Kepler-22b, which is many light rains away, along with the six human embryos.

  When Campion successfully carried out his plan and secretly sent Mother and Father to Kepler-22b, there were even arguments about the dangerous state of the Earth's environment at that time, and ideas began to emerge that the Earth had finally become a place of rottenness due to the religious war started by Mithraic.  Meanwhile, some people are trying to say that all this happened because of the blindness of the Atheist. Even you who read it, it is not clear who is at fault. You can understand the important thing that is trying to be shown in the story Raised By Wolves. That is the war caused by these two sides that represent humanity in the end.  That the earth has become a hell on earth that is not suitable for any creature to live in anymore.

  On the one hand, Mithraic did not hesitate to use Necromancers to massacre hundreds of thousands of lives without any sacrifice in the war they started for the spread of their holy power.  They wanted to defeat the other side by using it.

  In the end, the end result of the war between these two was the destruction of the earth.

  Anyway, to escape from the destruction caused in the earth due to the war, Mithraic is also creating a big plane. This plane is designed in such a way that thousands of people who believe in Mithraic who saved their lives can be included.  And the planet called Kepler-22b that sent Father.



                        (ARRIVING TO Kepler-22b)

  So somehow, while those things are happening on Earth, Mother and Father who left according to Campion Sturgeon's guidance and instructions successfully arrived at Kepler-22b in the plane they were carrying.

  The story begins with the first episode of Raised By Wolves when their mother and father come to planet Kepler-22b.

 Meet 2nd parth artical

