Predalian Xenomorphs

 So today we are going to tell the story of Predalien, who spread the mortal life born from Xenomorphs.

  So let's see what kind of creature the hybrid creature or Predalien ☠️ is that brings death before it's too late.

  Like Predator and Alien, everyone who knows about the Universe knows that Predalien is a creature with a slightly different behavior and representation than the usual Xenomorph or Yautja.

  When talking about Predalien, the first important thing to say is that not every Predalien looks and behaves the same.  The reason is because Predalien also has different types of Predaliens (Different Variations) Xenomorph and Yautja seen throughout the universe.

  Also, it must be said that Predalien is not known as a Xenomorph in the Original Xenomorph category in the Xenomorph classification. One reason for this is that Predalien is considered as a hybrid Xenomorph.  The way they complete it is as behavior patterns outside of the main Xenomorph Life Cycle.

  You will understand how it is when you continue reading this description.✌️

  First of all when it comes to the appearance and strength of a Predalien, they are generally larger than both Xenomorphs and Predators.  The reason for this is that as many people know, a Predalien is created through a Chestburster that is created by taking a Predator as a host.  And usually any Predator is stronger than their rival Xenomorphs. In short, even Un-blooded and Young Blood predators are usually stronger than Drone or Warrior type Xenomorphs.

  And on the other hand, the specialty of Xenomorph is that they are very fast. They can find dark places in the surrounding environment and hide in those places, and when they follow their prey, they have the ability to move from place to place very quickly when they attack a victim. That is why most of the time  Humans are also victims of Xenomorphs. Drones or Warriors or any other type of Xenomorph, this speed makes them even more deadly. Those of you who have watched Alien movies by now must know that.

  So when you get a Predalien, they are born with the strength of a Predator and the speed of Xenomorphs.., and a Predalien is stronger than both of these types. So because of these characteristics that are born, a Predalien is naturally a deadly threat to other species.  One should be shown in particular.  Also, due to the strength and speed of a Predalien, even a High Ranking Predator who has participated in many hunts and gained experience, they become very fierce opponents.⚔️🩸

  (The fight between Wolf and Predalien in AVP:R is a good example of this.)

  Also, when looking at the height of a Predalien's body, a Predalien who has grown to an average level has the ability to grow approximately 9 feet to 10 feet and 10 feet to 15 feet. In particular, these heights are not specific ranges. Because as I said before, Predaliens are different.  Because there are different types, the height changes in some cases during their development. That means that there can be grown-up Predaliens that are taller and heavier than these ranges. I will show how that happens a little later.

  So if we talk about their appearance in addition to their strength, this appearance changes depending on how they were created as a Chestburster. That said, the appearance of a Predalien changes depending on the way the related Predalien embryo 🧬 is implanted in the host.  The four Mandibles located around their mouths. It is speculated that a Predalien will get these in proportion to the body of the Predator that became the host. Also, in addition to the Mandibles of some Predalien types, you can also see Dreadlocks located on the head like Predators.

  (Dreadlocks are the hair-like part seen in Predators.)

  These Dreadlocks are useful for Predators to maintain balance when in high places and to react quickly. Also, a Predalien having Dreadlocks means that Predalien has better balance and ability to react quickly to attacks than other Xenomorphs. That's why.  As mentioned earlier, it is usually a bit difficult for a Predator to fight with them.

  Another important thing to say when talking about the appearance of these creatures is that most of them are created similar to the physical features of the Xenomorph Warrior type of Predalien. This type of Predalien has a short head and a wavy look on the top of the head similar to the head of the Warriors.

  The appearance and color of a Predalien's body is often a dark yellow color. Also, those who have read our previous series about Xenomorphs know that a normal Xenomorph has a silicon-based thick covering covering their body.  They gain invulnerability from attacks and sometimes even large explosions.

  So when it comes to Predaliens, their body is covered with a cover that is thicker than the normal Xenomorph cover. Also, for this reason, many Predaliens have the ability to withstand even a Predator's Plasma attack.

  So until now we have talked about the physical appearance of a Predalien's body.

  When talking about this, an important thing must be said. As mentioned first, after emerging from the host as a Chestburster, every Predalien does not behave in the same way or hunt prey.  That is why there are several different types of Predaliens. Just like there are different Xenomorph types in a Xenomorph hive, there are two or three Predalien types that are often seen among the Predaliens.  They behave and follow their prey according to the way they are born and the species they belong to.

  So, to make it easier to understand while reading, I will describe some of the types of Predalien and how they behave according to that type.  Then it will be easy to understand what kind of behavior each of these beings is a Predalien and what is the reason for such behavior.

  [ ⚔️ Warrior - Predalien 🩸 ]

  This type is the most common type of Predalien.  The reason is that they are born with the knowledge and desire of the Xenomorph Queen.  Because there is a Queen, there is definitely a Hive associated with it. So, while expanding a Xenomorph hive, if by chance Predators come to that area, the Queen in the Hive will definitely try to find as many Predators as possible and implant the Xenomorph embryos in them.  To be created by Predaliens.  The important thing is that the Predaliens created according to the needs of a Queen are considered as members of the Queen's Hive.  So the Queen is using these Warrior type Predaliens to strengthen the Hive and as a type of Xenomorph to use against the Predators coming against the Hive.

  Also, the Warrior Predalien who are protecting this Hive will come out of the Hive in groups or individually to attack according to the queen's wishes. Especially among the Original Xenomorphs, you know that Praetorian is the biggest and strongest Xenomorph type. So when Warrior Predaliens are taken, they are hybrids.  Due to its type, it is stronger and more resistant to attacks than Praetorians.

  This type of Predalien is faster and more violent than all other Xenomorph types (Drone, Warrior, Praetorian). Especially when they attack their prey, they are used to moving from place to place without always staying in one place.  Therefore, if you want to understand, the Warrior Predalien is not a Xenomorph of a race that can be easily stopped.  That's why it is a bit difficult for Predators to fight with this type, except for the well-armed and experienced Predators who have reached even higher than the Elite Rank.

  So that's why a Xenomorph Queen definitely turns to Warrior Predalien to make her Hive a strong area.  Aliens Vs.  In the predator Duel comics, you can often see a Predalien who has a Warrior Predalien type of behavior.

  [ ⚜️ Praetorian Predalien / Queen Predalien 🩸 ]

  Praetorian Predalien or Pradalien Queen is a rare type of Predalien.  They are born when a Face Hugger accidentally attacks a Predator and implants a Xenomorph embryo in him. Also, this type of Predalien is not created with the Queen's knowledge or wishes, so this type of Predalien is often from a Face Hugger outside of a Hive or a Face Hugger who is escaping.  will be created  So it can be considered as a reason why these Praetorian Predaliens are not often seen.

  So this type of Predalien that is rarely seen is a type of Predalien that is different from the Warrior - Predalien and has a special behavior. The reason why this type of Predalien is created is that there is usually no Xenomorph Hive or a Queen to spread it in the relevant area.  So in that kind of environment, something a little different happens.

  Usually, a Xenomorph Hive has a Queen who has been created from before. It is the Queen who creates the Ovomorphs that need to give birth to more Xenomorphs and spread.  So, apart from Drone and Warrior in this Hive, the Praetorian has a special feature.  They never leave the hive and they are there to protect the queen.  Also, these Praetorians grow more and more over time and eventually become a Xenomorph Queen. Also, the new Xenomorph Queen that transforms in this way is directed to create a new Hive.  This is how the spread of Xenomorph happens very fast.

  So, as said here, if there is no Hive or Queen, the survival and expansion of the Xenomorph type is entrusted to the Praetorian, the largest Xenomorph type after the Queen.  This is the behavior of the Queen Predalien we are talking about now.  As mentioned earlier, this type of Predalien is born in an area where the spread of Xenomorph is much less. So this Predalien that is born and grows in that area grows up as a Praetorian Predalien.  There is still no clear explanation about how this happens. Anyway, a Predalien that grows in this way tries to find as many hosts as possible, implant Xenomorph embryos in them and breed more Xenomorphs to create a new hive in the relevant area.

  Also, because this Predalien type is a random Xenomorph type that is created when there is no Queen, it is considered as a Young Hybrid Queen that works to fill the lack of a Queen.

  In height, they usually grow to a height of 10 to 15 feet. In particular, as mentioned before, the main reason why this type of Predalien is not classified as an Original Xenomorph is the method used to propagate these Xenomorphs.  Normally, a queen uses the Ovomorphs in the hive to implant the embryos into the hosts, but a Praetorian Predalien will insert the Xenomorph embryos directly into the host's mouth.

  Due to the difference in breeding and the differences in their behavior, as mentioned in the first article, Predaliens are not included under the Original Xenomorph classification. That is why this type of Predaliens are outside the Original Xenomorph Life Cycle and they are considered as breeders.

  Also, in comparison, a Predalien of this type has the ability to breed Xenomorphs in the relevant area at a faster than average speed.  Especially this type of Predalien has the ability to grow to become a Queen over time just like the Praetorian. And in such cases, they can grow with a height and weight of more than 15 feet. That is why the height and weight of other types of Predaliens including this type.  I mentioned at the beginning of the article that it is not possible to give an accurate calculation about the size.

  Behaviorally, a Queen Predalien is stronger than both the Xenomorph and Predator types, more so than hunting prey, chasing hosts to create a Hive, creating the Hive, and after creating the Hive, using and commanding other Xenomorphs to protect it and themselves.  Such a behavior can be observed from them.  And because a Predalien Queen is the creature that controls the existence of the Hive when there is no Queen, it must be said that the other Xenomorphs are loyal to this Predalien. Aliens Vs.  In the movie Predator: Requiem, we see a Praetorian Predalien/Queen Predalien.

  So here these two types are seen a little more among the Predaliens. Also, even if there are different Predaliens, they are often created as subspecies of these groups. That said, even though these types are created with small differences in appearance and appearance, most of them (naturally generated  ) Predalien is a subspecies between these two genera.

  But in addition to this, we need to explain a little about one more Predalien.πŸ‘‡

  [ 🧬 Abomination-Predalien 🩸]

  In the 2010 Aliens Vs Predator game, we can see another Predalien. In the story of this game, we can also see a Predalien. This Predalien, known by many as Abomination Predalien, looks very similar to a Warrior Predalien.  Abomination Predalien has several changes.

  First of all, if we take the appearance of Abomination Predalien, as mentioned before, although the top of the head is created with waves similar to a Warrior-Predalien, there is a row of spike-shaped bones on the top of their head. Also, they have a larger number of Dreadlocks than the average Predalien has from the front of their head to the back.  .Especially, these Dreadlocks of Abomination are designed to be shorter and thinner compared to other Predaliens.  In addition, the Inner Jaw, which is often seen in the Xenomorph and is used to deliver their main deadly attack, is also located inside the Abomination Predalien's mouth.  So basically, these are the differences that can be seen in Abomination's appearance compared to other Predalien.

  Also, in terms of their behavior and the way they attack their prey, they usually do things in a completely different way to both the Xenomorph and Predalien.  Everything said is done because of the strong desire to expand their race.  That's why when Xenomorph gather in herds, apart from hunting, they naturally focus on checking the future of their hive.

  But the Abomination does not attack its victims for any purpose. This Predalien attacks and kills every animal it encounters, not for any purpose or to protect the existence of the Hive.  That's why the Abomination Predalien hunts its prey as a Predalien that separates from the other Xenomorphs and the Hive and attacks alone.

  Also, this Predalien is born at the request of another Xenomorph in the game. However, there is no proper explanation as to why this type of Predalien is created and what factors affect the birth of this type. Anyway, this Predalien, at the end of the game, another Elite Rank-  Predator becomes one's prey.

  So these are the details of the Abomination Predalien, which is a slightly different type of Predalien among the Predaliens.

  Also, I want to say once again that apart from the main types of Predaliens, there are other types of Predaliens, Aliens and Predators throughout the Universe. Not all of them are listed here. However, Predaliens are separated according to their basic classification according to their appearance and behavior.  I think you will get an understanding of how to get dark from these details.

  And let me tell you one more thing.  As the name suggests, the host of a Predalien is definitely a Yautja (Predator).  For this reason, Predators consider this type of creature (Predaliens) as a creature that brings disrespect and disgrace to their culture and survival.  Because of that, when you know that there is a Predalien, no matter where you are in the universe, a Predator or a whole Clan will come to hunt the Predalien and protect their honor. Also, because of that, I think it is not wrong to say that the hunting Predators that are related to this Predalien become a little bit personal.  I think.✌️

  So if you read these details about Predalien, another deadly species of Xenomorph, which is an aggressive living species, you may have learned something new. Then, we are ready to stop this article for today.

  Finally, I want to say that if you do not understand the words Drone, Warrior, Xenomorph Hive and Ovomorphs in this article, I will put the link of the other articles in the series related to Aliens below. If you like, I invite you to read those articles as well.πŸ™‚✌️

